Summer Picha Presents: All New FREE TRAINING Run A World-Class Early Learning Center

How Top Early Childhood Owners & Directors Retain Great Teachers Using Conscious Education

Join This Live Virtual Event & Discover How To Run A World-Class Early Learning Center

Stop Staff Turn-Over

These Four Simple Secrets Cut Down The Chaos So That You Can Retain Great Staff & Get Back To The Love Of Running Your Early Learning Center!

PL*PLUS… Quell the toxicity that gossip creates – and forget the drama, the call-ins, & the turnover!

Look forward to getting back to the love of it.





What You'll Learn In This Exclusive

4 Hour Live Virtual Event:

Secret One

Policies You Can Enforce - I’ll share some of our most important policies and procedures, and how we communicated and enforced them so that our teachers actually appreciated how they contributed instead of resenting the very policies and procedures put in place to help them.

Secret Two

Stop Gossip Before It Starts - Cultivating a culture and values inside of your facility can quell the toxicity that gossip can create. I’ll share real stories and tips that you can take and apply in your own childhood center.

Secret Three

The 45 Second Rule - How to make your teachers and staff feel a part of the solution. I’ll share ways we incentivized and rewarded (even with a small budget!) that helped our retention rates stay balanced and predictable.

Secret Four

The 4 R's To Ultimate Success - Retention is 1 of 4 areas inside of an early childhood facility that needs prioritization - so that you can feel more grace and ease in running your center. The other R’s are: Recruitment, Revenue Protection and Risk Mitigation and you’ll learn about these too.

Plus... Get FOUR HOURS Professional Development Certificate Credits

The Train To Retain Live! Virtual Event

No Tickets Available

  • Time: 11am - 3pm CST (for General Admission pass holders)

  • Location: Zoom Meeting Room

  • Plus... FOUR HOURS of Professional Development Certificate Credits


Train To Retain Live!

Virtual Event

No Tickets Available

  • Time: 11am - 3pm

    (for General Admission pass holders)

  • Location: Zoom Meeting Room

  • Plus... FOUR HOURS of Professional Development Certificate Credits

Meet Your Host, Summer Picha

Summer Picha is a Minneapolis / Twin Cities-based early childhood development and leadership expert, best selling author, and speaker who helps early childhood programs, schools and facilities become the best-in-class choice for their clients and customers and be an integrated part of raising good humans. She’s the creator of the Conscious Classroom Certification Model: the leading framework that helps owners and administrators retain staff, recruit families, reduce risk by staying compliant without complication, and protect school revenue while running a fast-paced facility in ever-changing times. Leveraging Summer’s 22+ years in the industry and her role as co-founder of a group of award-winning and highly-referred Montessori schools in the Twin Cities, Summer knows specifically what it takes to lead a mission-driven team and create a culture where schools and families feel like they belong. Summer is known for her quirky yet tough approach to solve the challenges in the industry. She understands this deeply because she co-founded a multi-campus early education company that she ultimately sold for $4.3M, and now has dedicated her next season to help founders like her to be able to get the most out of their facilities and vision. She is also the founder of Grit and Grace Lifestyle, wife to Eric and mother of three children.

(press play to watch the exclusive interview)

Plus... Get FOUR HOURS Professional Development Certificate Credits

Join The Virtual Event Today!

Join The

Virtual Event Today!

General Admission

No Tickets Available

  • 4 Hours of Training [11am - 3pm CST]

  • Location: Zoom Meeting Room

  • Plus... FOUR HOURS of Professional Development Certificate Credits

$7 Today!

Discover How Owners & Directors Just Like You Are Finding Success Using Conscious Education

What If One Single Event Shifts Your Entire Perspective and Transforms your Life?

Calling all Early Childhood Owners and Directors!

This class is for you if...

  • You are dealing with gossip and drama from your staff that interferes with what really matters: the kids.

  • High staff turnover is affecting your day-to-day operations.

  • You’d like to know the unsaid things that are happening in your childcare facility that is driving your staff crazy - and leads to them looking for another job and therefore, leaves you hanging in a constant hiring cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Virtual Event For?

This Virtual Event is for Early Childhood Owners and Directors looking to dealing with gossip and drama from your staff that interferes with what really matters

How Long Does The Virtual Event Take To Complete?

The Virtual Event is 4 hours long on No Tickets Available. The main session for everyone runs from 11am - 3pm. And for those who invested in the extra bonuses as a VIP, check your email for timing for your Inner Circle meeting.

What If I Cannot Attend Live?

We do not have any future dates scheduled, so do what it takes to block this out in your calendar. This is a live event. Note, Professional Development Credits can only be issued to those who attend live in it's entirety. Email if you have any questions.

Are Tickets Refundable?

Due to the nature of the live workshop, refunds are not available.

How Will I Receive Notifications And Updates About The Virtual Event?

Updates and reminders will be sent to you via text and email. Please whitelist emails from so you stay updated at all times!

What Can I Get Out Of This Virtual Event?

In this Virtual Event you will learn how to adopt a proactive approach to your childcare center so that you cut down on the chaos and get back to the love of it ~~ For You, Your Staff, and those Littles ~~ without the Gossip and Drama..

What If I Have More Questions?

We're happy to answer your questions! Please email your questions to us at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Attention: Please Read Carefully!

Disclaimer - This presentation will give you actionable steps to adopt a proactive approach to your childcare center so that you cut down on the chaos and get back to the love of it ~~ For You, Your Staff, and those Littles ~~ without the Gossip and Drama.. Results are not guaranteed. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved.  At the end of the free training, an opportunity will be offered to learn more.

*Earnings and income representations made are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. People that don't work hard and give up easily, get ZERO results. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

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Conscious Classroom Certification Model

15900 46th Ave N Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55446.